Author Archives: Администратор

All-Russian expedition will set off soon

On the 3rd of May our expedition from Moscow to Mongolia will set off. The leader is Igor Grishin. The expedition will visit more than 20 cities. In every location Igor Grishin will hold lectures, workshops, meetings and other activities … Continue reading

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Igor Grishin in Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

The leader of Russian Go and Strategy School Igor Grishin presented his book “Soviet-German War Vocabulary” during his workshop in Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO to Morris Sayas, one of the top specialists on strategy in Europe. Igor Grishin explains … Continue reading

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X-mas at children Go Game Club in Moscow

Here are the photos from X-mas tournament in the oldest Moscow children Go club “Voskhojdenie” (founded by Igor Grishin). Thanks for organizers: Alexander Lazarev and Vladimir Spiridonov! Photos by A. Lazarev

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All-Russian Go and Strategy promotion tour

The president of The Go Federartion (Moscow, Russia) Igor Grishin visited big cities in all corners of Russia. He conducted many lectures and master-classes for students and young Russian politicians about Strategy and Go as strategy tool. “Go should be … Continue reading

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Go at The Youth Train

Igor Grishin took part in the all-Russian event — The Youth Train. It started in Moscow and took place in such cities as Kazan, Samara, Volgograd, Rostov and others. The Youth Train in Samara The President of The Go Federation … Continue reading

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Igor Grishin’s workshop for DHL-Russia

Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO implemented the corporate program for heads of Russian representation DHL. The program was carried out under the direction of professor London Business School Zeger Degraeve who helped to become acquainted with the best world practices … Continue reading

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Aesthetics of Japanese Go

The President of The Go Federation (Moscow, Russia) conducted a lecture on Aesthetics of Japanese Go at Moscow Businessmen House. Igor Grishin spoke to the attendants of the lecture on aesthetics of Go equipment, players and history of Go. In … Continue reading

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New Go exhibition in Moscow

A Go exhibition “The Art of Strategy” opened in Moscow at All-Russia Exhibition Center. It includes more than 20 photos with the President of The Go Federation Igor Grishin, playing Go using diamonds instead of stones. The exhibition is installed … Continue reading

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Russian Go book at Japanese Foundation library

The Federation presented the new Go book “Russian Teacher of Japanese Go” to the department of Japanese culture “Japanese Foundation” library (Information department of Japanese embassy in Russia). Address of the Information department of Japanese embassy in Russia: Nikoloyamskaya st’ … Continue reading

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The new books about Go game

We are glad to present you three books, written by Igor Grishin and Mikhail Emelyanov. The first is “Russian Teacher of Japanese Go” — the general school book on Go game basics. The book uses a special Russian Go game … Continue reading

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