The new books about Go game

We are glad to present you three books, written by Igor Grishin and Mikhail Emelyanov.

The first is “Russian Teacher of Japanese Go” — the general school book on Go game basics. The book uses a special Russian Go game language with Russian translations of all Japanese terms. The first chapter is about Go game history and culture. Here you can find have a look at historic facts (we shall translate some parts of this book into English in future). The second chapter is about Go game rules. The third chapter is about basic principles of game. This chapter includes the Russian vision on Go game strategy. The fourth chapter includes ten basic techniques like ladder, geta and so on, with explanations.

The second book is “Soviet-German Military Dictionary”. The book contains more than hundred articles devoted to strategic “keywords” of the Second World War. Most of the articles have thematic Go-problems, connected with the article subject.

Soviet-German Military Dictionary

The Dictionary contains Go-problems from low to high level with a short description connected with the subject of the article.

Soviet-German Military Dictionary

On June, 22nd — the anniversary of the Russian-German war beginning — Moscow arranged the Day of Mobilization where the presentation of this book for politicians and historians was made.

Russian veteran and Igor Grishin

Russian veteran and Igor Grishin (on the left)

Any interested person could pass through mobilization

Any interested person could pass through mobilization by being handed over the specification on shooting.

Guests look through the books of Russian Go and Strategy School

Guests look through the books of Russian Go and Strategy School

Website of the dictionary:

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