An interview with the Go Master, the 9-th part

Igor Grishin in China, 2006

- What does it mean to be a Go Master?
- If the word “master” is written with a small letter it relates for me to sports or crafts. In a sport game go master is somebody who wins more or less stable. If the collocation “Go master” is written with capital letters the Go Master’s anecdotes tell about it best of all. It is a new genre of stories about how to be understandable or obscure in one’s way but not only according to a situation or people’s demand. Go Master is somebody who is alive.
Go Master jokes; he gains his achievements not only by the result of a game.
For instance, a go master of the table game gains his achievement only on a go board. If s/he has lost some number of games, s/he loses the status of go master of the table game.
Go Master is on an absolutely different top. S/he can lose as many games as it is needed to win Freedom. Master is free!
If gain cannot direct to the right course let’s train with losses. Losses are a good field for every Master. If after a certain number of losses you are alive and still a Master it is very interesting. To whom? To you. It is absolutely not interesting to people. They have always been interested in wins only. In this sense they are even easy to deal with.
Where is the Mastery? Our Mastery? Is it on the wall in Diploma? Or is it in an edited book? Or, maybe, on a grave stone? In Federation rating? Where is our “Mastery center” located?

- How do you see you future and your School’s future? What are you striving for?
- I think the future will be bright. The School’s future is a huge light building. If it is not a large house surrounded by a park, it will be an enormous cube of glass and concrete. There will be huge windows so that light could pour through them.
But our school shouldn’t be concentrated only in a building. It should be located in the forest, in the mountains; it should swim into the ocean. Seagulls, moths, bees, butterflies should fly above it. We should reach far lakes, foggy ravines… We should go by queer cars with an enigmatic goal. We should play unusual games wearing unusual clothes. These games should heat minds and hearts. People should sing and cry looking at us. We should fall into the abyss of defeats and arise over the tops of wins. We should live and be alive.

- Could you explain the meaning of you formula “Go teaches how to see”?
- Oh, it is a rather big topic. Can I shorten it? To look, to watch, to see these are not exact synonyms. There are nuances that are so pleasant to talk about with people of fine fiber.
A sniper’s sight differs from the sight of a commander. To see means to conceive not only things with names. To see means to perceive those things that have names and those things that don’t have names in human world. Those things that are likely never get names… Go teaches how to see that means that Go teaches difficult. It teaches not to be afraid of being complicated for yourself and people.

- In Medieval Europe they studied strategy art with the help of chess. Do we need a Japanese or Chinese game? By the way, is it Japanese or Chinese?
- Go is the game that was given to us by extraterrestrial beings. In this case, does it matter if it is Chinese or Japanese?
In contemporary chess it has become impossible to study strategy. There are too many people in chess, but the percentage of those who treats it not as just a table game is very low. Can a child of three swim in the ocean alone? What do you think? If we view a table chess situation as an ocean and ourselves as children of strategy art this analogy explains everything (laughing).

- What is war? I know that you got a certain battle experience of an ideological war when you found your School? What did this war teach you?
- We do have a serious battle experience of an ideological war. The war is a total mobilization of all mental, ethical, moral, spiritual and emotional force. You can fight without thinking only when you are young. In the age of manhood you should prepare to this war carefully. And it’s better to stop at the stage of preparations. If there is a chance not to start a war you’d rather use it. There is always a possibility to find an appropriate solution for every difficult situation. The art of strategy can reveal us such possibilities.
Even if you deal with an absolutely opposite to you ideological enemy, there are always strategic methods that let you avoid the fight face to face. The battle experience is priceless. However, lucky are those who don’t have it as you should pay for it with your health and your time. The war means years without sleeping.

- For what may a modern successful businessman need martial arts? What can they give?
- If s/he doesn’t get enough physical activity, martial arts will give it. His/her sleep will improve and thus s/he’ll improve business. If we train seriously, martial arts are likely to make us people of healthy life. If you train very seriously the will turn you at the way of Mastery. Then a successful man will get an opportunity to transform his/her “big business” into “big evolution”. Mastery is a king of transforming of your state into your ego, your evolution, your family, your clan and your history.

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An interview with the Go Master, the 8-th part

- You were good at martial arts. What made you leave it off and play Go?
- I’ve been practicing martial arts since 1988 and I have founded my own Wushu School. We never left Wushu art. Of course, from the outside, it could look like that. But in our own conception it’s isn’t so.
As time goes by martial arts should undergo certain transformations with you. If there isn’t any you should think of it. Think and try to understand if you are developing.
There are different stages of our development. Say, if to “switch on” legs you need to do certain exercises it is one stage. If it is enough just to walk down a street to “switch on” legs and in some time they “switch on” themselves it is another stage. What does it mean “to switch on legs”? That means to make them live, full of energy limbs that are able to carry us, think of the way, positions of feet and bars. Legs that don’t hinder while walking. They give strength. The longer you walk the more strength you get. Are these good legs? Aren’t these legs a martial art? Is it worth reaching of this stage?
Actually, I think if a person is in good shape, if s/he is fast and tireless s/he is in the state when it is possible to use martial arts. I know a lot of examples when people go to a gym but are in a shape which is not enough to speak about using martial arts. In fact, a person can train martial arts regularly but be in a bad for these arts shape. Sometimes s/he can be in a bad shape even during trainings. His/her state is the same as in a daily routine. It doesn’t rise energetically. Just imagine, a person entered the gym and started showing pictures to his friends, speaking to them, joking… Is it a training of martial arts? Of course, it isn’t. It is a service club.

- What was in the very beginning? What difficulties did you face?
- With the same that every person faces. With the difficulties of a human that come from you and people surrounding. With the difficulties that comes from the level of fate. With the difficulties coming from health, society, close friends… With these difficulties we face and will face not only playing Go or training martial arts but in every activity. In short, it was as difficult for me as for you.

- What did Go lack before you started playing it? How did you manage to renew your interest to this ancient strategic art?
- Before, everything was clear in Go. It lacked oddity. We’ve made it obscure. I think, we’ve succeeded in it.
Go was a very understandable game. Before go was a game that was played on a board. One should play as much as possible and solve life&death problems. The winner’s a fine fellow. The loser knows who s/he is. The win should be rewarded. If you win many games stop playing for nothing. You should develop and increase your rating. Everything was understandable and very easy.

- Did the Go amateurs greet the new ideas with fervor?
- Of course, at the beginning it was so. People like new ideas. Then the enthusiasm decreased as they were complicated. Nobody likes complicated ideas. If ideas are new they should be understandable for “all people”. As before Go was developing towards something understandable we had to speak about something obscure. Perhaps if Go had been obscure we would have had to speak about something understandable and… simplify it. For example, we could have turned it into a table game (laughing).

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An interview with the Go Master, the 7-th part

What does it mean “to found a school”? What is required for it?

-You cannot set a task “to found a School” as this task is not only at our human level. What’s needed to found a School? It is an interaction of a triad “Heaven – Earth – Human” as the School is founded by a human between the heaven and the earth for people. All the three levels unify in the School.
The School cannot exist without sense. Where should one search for the sense? It is impossible to found a School of Go as a table game. There won’t be any idea. Will there be true apprentices and a teacher? Vanity… If people communicate in the context of a table game, it will be a table game that will develop. So, what will happen to the people? It’s not known. Is it possible that the aim of human lives is to develop a table game? For example, Go. What is the purpose of founding a school of go table-game? There should be at least some practical goals in the basis. Somebody founds a school just because s/he plays go well. S/he founds a school to acquaint people with how he or she plays. For money or free of charge but just to acquaint. So, what’s next? Somebody gets acquainted enough, somebody doesn’t, somebody surpasses his/her teacher. What should such a student do? Should s/he leave the school or take the teacher’s place and continue developing the table game? It is rather shallow, and induces me to nothing.
So, what can we conclude? To found a School we need a deep and strong idea. But how can we find it?

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An interview with the Go Master, the 6-th part

Why did you decide to create the international newsletter “Goama”?

It is a web newsletter of the site which counts over 2000 subscribers. The newsletter is popular in Europe and America. We have about 250 Russian subscribers but the journal is in English. As the director of the newsletter I’d like to say that it is not always necessary to write articles in Russian to be understood by Russian people, though, maybe, it is possible not to do it in Russian at all… Another reason is that it is important to communicate. We have found a great circle of contacts among Europeans and Americans. This was the discovery of the previous year. We didn’t expect that our postage would take the second place in the world on the quantity of subscribers. American Go E-journal heads the list. This journal existed for many years and we are only several hundreds of subscribers behind it. What does it mean? It means that people are interested in these questions, in communication. Besides, the idea of the “Goama” newsletter probably was in time. Taking this opportunity I would like to thank those patrons who helped us by investing money in the project. I would also like to thank the editor in chief – Alexandre Dinerchtein, the editors and experts of the magazine, translators and the whole creative group.

Igor Grishin, the director of the “Goama” magazine: “Yi from Go Master”

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An interview with the Go Master, the 5-th part

As far as I’m concerned a book by Miura Yasuyuki, “Go, an Asian Paradigm for Business Strategy” was published under your direction (Sophia Publisher). How many books have been sold and have you got any results of this project?

The book by Miura “Go, an Asian Paradigm for Business Strategy” is a peculiar book. This is a book that does not only explain the table-game Go but tells us about the role of this game in historical and economical area and culture of two civilizations – Western and Eastern ones.
While working on the edition during a year, we came to a certain decisions that channeled our conception correctly. The first question we asked ourselves then was: for whom should this book be published? For laymen or for elite readers? The answer wasn’t in favor of laymen. So, 2500 copies of the book were published. That is why it is an expensive edition and is made unusually. And it is very pleasant that nearly the whole Russian edition has already been sold. We really feel the results. We have managed to increase the number of people who treat Go not only as a table game. This book helped us strengthen such attitude towards Go in modern Russian society. For those who haven’t read this book (by the way, I advise to purchase it before the whole edition is sold) I would say that the author describes Go very existentially. Miura Yasuyuki is a person with a great life experience. He is a person who messages to his readers a deep evaluation of everything around him. We read the book chapters that despite diagrams and technical descriptions do not move you to a Go board only, do not turn you into a Go stone. With the author we sail the Pacific Ocean during the war, take part in building of luxurious Japanese hotels in the USA, in their investment. Together with Miura Yasuyuki we spend time in tea-houses. Playing Go we get in touch with the world fate. We enjoy the Master’s dignity, his internal calm. This book moves us to a very interesting level, the level of a person who is really responsible of something; at the level of a person who lives in the stream of the world history; who is able to do or not to do; to the level of a person who knows the act and absence of act. Such person can think, compare, rise above people’s fuss, above the fuss of business, above the fuss of stones and a board.
In short words, the project “Go, an Asian Paradigm for Business Strategy” has succeeded and I can see the results.

Not so long ago you edited a book on Go for laymen (“To Think and to Win: Go for the Beginners” Olymp edition, 2006) and series of education materials. Are you going to have them translated into other languages?

No, I don’t think that it is necessary, though one of them has been translated into English by Saratov branch of the Go Federation. We don’t set a task of translating of this very series as for us it is transitional. The real books that the Russian School of Strategy will be ready to offer to laymen and elite readers, Eastern and Western readers, are not written yet.

To be continued

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An interview with the Go Master, the 4-th part

What do you think, how many people in Russia are playing Go?

This is a very serious question, from the standpoint that we shouldn’t be interested in the quantity of Go players. It wouldn’t have sense even if there are only “one and half” persons who play Go. Even if you were the only one. It would be better as you could play Go with yourself. But in such a case there should be support to hold out. This person should be a Master otherwise he or she will fade.
Anyway many people play Go in Russia and it is crucial to realize that 99 % of them play it as a table game. In such a situation the change between you – if you support the mastery idea that has always existed in Go as in an ancient evolutional art – and these 99 % will always be hampered. People will pull you to their territory, to the territory of the table game, to the territory of competitions in the table game… Frankly speaking, Go isn’t more important than dominoes. Dominoes is a table game as well and it isn’t worse or better than Go. Draughts is a table-game too if we treat Go as a table game.
If we consider that Go isn’t just a table game then here comes a very important question: how many people in Russia treat Go not as a table game only? In this case we speak about something that is more important, about this one per cent. This one per cent of Go players who treat it not only as a table game but who see something in it, something that connects Go with a person, with life; with important questions which concern human life, human evolution. And another serious question is how many of this kind of people are there in Russia. How many people make this one per cent? Fortunately now there are several dozens of them.

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An interview with the Go Master, the 3-rd part

Many of us have wives who don’t know the rules of Go. Would you advise to teach them or not?

If one has a wife it is necessary to teach her. Teaching how to play Go differs from teaching Go. To teach a person is very difficult and even dangerous. It is just impossible to teach a person directly. One can only study underhand, indirectly. There is nothing worse than teaching people directly.
I think there is no point in teaching a person how to play Go. What for? As for me I think there is no sense.

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An interview with the Go Master, the 2-nd part

Why did you choose Go? As far as I know when you started playing chess that were popular in Russia.

So, more that ten years ago it would be hard for me to answer such a question. But now, when time has passed and a kind of dispassionateness has appeared I can answer reflecting upon my deep motives. It is always interesting to answer questions honestly opening yourself. Otherwise there is no point of doing it.
I chose Go just because it was very unpopular at that time. It was the period of perestroika, when people were staggered and puzzled. In Moscow there were no more than three-four people who studied it. Maybe more… I admit I didn’t know all of them. But I don’t think there were more than a couple dozens of people who were thinking of Go and putting stones on the board… it was impossible to find books on Go, not for love or money. Let alone choosing the best of them, finding books on techniques and strategy. There were no books in English as well. Internet did not exist and information was very limited.
There was a lot of literature on chess. There were chess players, it was possible to find a partner to play with but I chose Go as there was some kind of enigma in it. At that time Go wasn’t a popular game at all. We played on the outskirts of the city in a small one-room flat, in the kitchen and the atmosphere of these meetings was energetic. We played in a small kitchen but we reflected greatly. We had an old Japanese Go board and old Go stones and it was creating an absolutely unexplainable atmosphere…

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An interview with the Go Master, the 1-st part

What is correct or incorrect move?

- Let’s start from the very beginning of the game. A correct or incorrect move is just a combination of words in our school language. The correct move is a move that helps to strengthen our weak stones. But not all of them, just those that are strategically important. Strengthening of strategically important stones is a right train of thought.
It is also correct to weaken the most important stones of your adversary. Strength and weakness of stones are the first index. The second one is effectiveness or potency of stones. We can increase the potency of our stones and decrease the potency of our adversary’s stones. For instance, we can do it by helping our opponent to make overconcentrated efforts (stones, strategic operations) in a certain sector. This is the second important index.
The third index of the right train of thought is connected with the notion of “strategic crack”, with the searching for such cracks and overcoming them or with the creation of cracks if we are opposing to somebody.
With the very first question we have dipped into the depth of strategic Go!

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Two questions to the director of the newsletter.

- When did you start playing Go?

- I do not play Go. I study the game, people and myself in it. It happened so that I became the first person in Russia who had denied rating and left the rating list. This, by the way, turned to be too complicated for comprehension in my homeland. As to understand doesn’t mean to simplify.

Nevertheless, I’m running the Go School, which is one of the most successful schools in the field of private and corporate training. Up to date I am one of the highest-paid Go trainers in Russia. The cost of my class can reach 1000 USD.
What values do I explain to people under the Go brand? This is the topic for a special talk. Those trainers who “play Go” or just explain Go as a game are not the same. By the way, do they earn much? Are they paid for their classes according to the contemporary level of economical development? For if the Go game is paid as an ordinary table-game then Go trainers get an average salary in the field. No? I don’t know how much the European and American trainers of table-games earn, but I don’t think that these figures can be compared to the profits of the specialists on business strategy. Don’t you agree with me?

That is why the question “when did I start playing Go?” is interesting for me only in the following form: “when did I understand that ‘playing Go’ was not the right name for this phenomenon”.

Let me give you an example. Many people play computer strategies. So what? Is it interesting to any of us when some of us stopped playing ‘Civilization’ by Cid Mayor and started playing ‘Heroes’? But it is interesting to most of us how Cid Mayor invented ‘Civilization’ and we’d like to attend a lecture about it.

Thus, the direct answer to the question is – I started playing Go when I realized that Go wasn’t the game ‘which we play’.

- The only article written by you for our newsletter was devoted to the death of the Korean Go founder Cho Namcheol, 9-dan. Are you going to write new articles? What topics are you going to choose?

- This fall I’ve got many questions from Russian Go amateurs. These questions open a few topics that are interesting to me. For instance:

Hallo, Igor. Have you founded the Go School or the Yi School? (‘Yi’ is an ancient Chinese name of Go. A.D.) Which name is correct?

What is Yi and how does it correlate to Go?

Why do you call Yi a martial art?

Do you have many disciples in your school?

Igor, what does it mean to create School? What is necessary for it?

Are there any other schools of Yi in the world? Do you communicate with them?

What was in the very beginning? What difficulties did you face?
What did Go lack before? How did you manage to renew the interest to this ancient strategic art?

Go amateurs accepted your new ideas with enthusiasm, didn’t they?

Who is the Go Master?

Can you tell, please, how you see your and your school future? What do you strive for?

In Europe they traditionally studied the strategy, sometimes with the help of chess. What are the Chinese or Japanese games for?

What is war? Did you get certain battle experience of an ideological war when you were creating your school? What did you learn from it?

What does a modern successful person, an owner of a big business, need martial arts for? What can they give him or her? What does he or she need your art for? Now there are a lot of different trainings. Does your School offer something special?

If these questions are interesting to our readers, let’s wait for their responses and comments and start to answer them. Maybe they are likely to touch many people. Maybe they won’t get anyone. Maybe it is enough for Go amateurs to play on servers and buy e-books with tasks on life and death and Go art will be left in medieval Japan, China and Korea and it will never return to the modern world.

Best wishes.
Yours sincerely, Igor Grishin.

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