Serbian unique style for the Go-game

There are Serbian Go-equipment with its national style and natural rustiс colors. Unique wood was purchased for this artistic project. One type was made from vintage step ladders which are over 300 years old. Another type are from the oak, which is more than 500 years. This oak grew in the mountains protected by the state, but it was broken by the storm. Do you like the dark color of these game boards? This natural wood color associated with old age of oak.

Visiting Serbia you can see this style in the design of rustic restaurants, bars, Serbian houses. This is the beauty and specificity of the Danubian culture. One can hear a soft violin music, laughter, folk dances, Gypsy tonalities.

Since 2015 in the Republic of Serbia Go boards are made with a matrices of 7×7, 9×9, 13×13, 19×19. Small matrices are for the development of children Go-game, especially for very early ages. All Go boards are lined with a laser.

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