The Summer Go Festival in Moscow

Here are some photos from the Go game festival, which was held in July in Moscow (by Go-school “Voskhojdenie”). This festival was organaized by “Go and Strategy Club” (Moscow). We thank a lot of members of the Club for a nice festival!

Because of summer all children moved out from our hot city to camps or to Europe for rest :) That’s why there were not many children on this festival.

On Sunday, when the festival started, it was raining hard :) but we wanted to play out on fresh air.

Go game for children

The children section. But some adults also played here :)

tea ceremony and Go players

A little tea ceremony at Go school “Voskhojdenie”.

The end of the match of Go

The war is ended. Time to gather the stones.

Go game and meal

A little master-class for beginners in “meal-section” :)

Go game for all family

Go – is the game for all family: somebody looks, somebody moves.

You can find other photos at the Russian Go game Gallery.

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