An interview with the Go Master, the 1-st part

What is correct or incorrect move?

- Let’s start from the very beginning of the game. A correct or incorrect move is just a combination of words in our school language. The correct move is a move that helps to strengthen our weak stones. But not all of them, just those that are strategically important. Strengthening of strategically important stones is a right train of thought.
It is also correct to weaken the most important stones of your adversary. Strength and weakness of stones are the first index. The second one is effectiveness or potency of stones. We can increase the potency of our stones and decrease the potency of our adversary’s stones. For instance, we can do it by helping our opponent to make overconcentrated efforts (stones, strategic operations) in a certain sector. This is the second important index.
The third index of the right train of thought is connected with the notion of “strategic crack”, with the searching for such cracks and overcoming them or with the creation of cracks if we are opposing to somebody.
With the very first question we have dipped into the depth of strategic Go!

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