The Moscow children Go festival “Rojdestvo”

The Moscow children Go festival “Rojdestvo” took place on January 8, 2006.

The meaning of the word “Rojdestvo” is “Christmass”.

A Handicap Go tournament was held.

1. Lyndina Tatyana Moscow +3 -7 +6
2. Sergeev Ilya Moscow + 4 + 9 +5
3. Fokina Sasha Moscow 12к -5 +4 -1
4. Bizin Sergey Moscow 15к -2 -3 -9
5. Panfilova Lena Moscow 15к +3 +1 -2
6. Fokina Natasha Moscow 17к -1 +7 +8
7. Arhipova Tatyana Jukovsky 20к -9 -7 +
8. Klycheva Parvina Jukovsky 20к +11 +12 -6
9. Panfilov Ivan Moscow 18к +7 -2 +4
10. Kuznetsova Masha Moscow - -12 - -
11. Cokolova Nadya Moscow 20к -8 + -12
12. Sokolov Artemy Moscow 20к +10 -8 +11

Photos from Moscow children Go festival by A. Kojunkov

You are welcome to visit the All-Russian Children Go Championship that will take place on the 25-26th of March.
More information about All-Russian Children Go Championship

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