The president of The Go Federartion (Moscow, Russia) Igor Grishin visited big cities in all corners of Russia.
He conducted many lectures and master-classes for students and young Russian politicians about Strategy and Go as strategy tool. “Go should be used for development of Russia. Only in this case the game will bring profit to youth in our country” – he said.

Krasnodar. Igor Grishin and Russian Go game champion Ruslan Dmitriev near the Kuban State Technological University

Lecture for student of the Kuban State Technological University

Igor Grishin gave an interview to the university television channel where he told about his Youth Train and strategic Go

The president of The GO Federation Igor Grishin at the North Caucasus State Technical University. Lecture on Go and its benefits for Russian youth for disabled.

Igor Grishin explains Go game rules at Stavropol Children Creativity Center.

Igor Grishin talks about Go at Orenburg State University. The purpose of such master-classes is to teach young men strategic thinking, to develop their intelligence, to be able to see the prospects and not to be afraid to make decisions.

Young politicians play Go in Orenburg

gor Grishin answers questions after a big lecture on Basics of Communication for Nizniy Novgorod schoolboys. There are more than 70 attendants on this lecture.